How To Claim Child Tax Credits

May 1, 2024
Fact Checked

If you want to claim Child Tax Credit, you’ll need to complete a claim form.  Keep reading for our guide to when and how you can make a child tax credit claim and what information you’ll need.

What are Child Tax Credits?

If you’re responsible for at least one child who normally lives with you, you may be able to claim Child Tax Credit.  You don’t have to be working to claim Child Tax Credit.

The amount of Child Tax Credit you receive will depend on factors such as how many children you have, whether you pay for childcare and how many hours you work.

How to claim Child Tax Credits

If you want to claim tax credits then you have to fill in a claim form.  You cannot download a claim form and you can’t complete a tax credits claim form online.  So, to claim Child Tax Credit, you should contact the Tax Credit Helpline on 0845 300 3900 to request a claim pack.

What information you will need to claim child tax credits

In order to claim tax credits you will need information including:

  • Your income for the last tax year
  • Details of any other income you receive including rental income and savings interest
  • Your National Insurance number (this can be found on your [payslips, P60 or PAYE Coding Notice)
  • Details of any childcare payments you make to an approved or registered provider
  • Details of any benefits you receive  such as Jobseeker’s or Carer’s Allowance

Remember that if you live with someone as a couple you must make a joint tax credits claim.  You can’t elect to claim as a single person.  You will have to complete the claim form with information for both of you and you will both be responsible for making sure the information is correct.

You should receive your Child Tax Credit claim form within a week.

When to make a claim for Child Tax Credits

You should make a claim for Child Tax Credits as soon as you think that you qualify.  This is because tax credits can generally only be backdated for one month.

For example, if you have a baby on 15 May and your claim form is received on 15 September the payments will only be backdated to 15 August.  Bear in mind that you can’t claim in advance for a new baby – you can only submit a claim once they have been born.  You don’t have to wait to make a claim if you already have children.

Where to send your claim for tax credits

Once you have completed the tax credit claim form you should return it to:

HM Revenue & Customs Tax Credits

Comben House

Farriers Way


L75 1BY

If you claim other benefits, such as Employment and Support Allowance, Jobseeker’s Allowance or Income Support, you can return your completed tax credit form to your Jobcentre Plus.

Do you have any advice for claiming tax credits? Please share it in the comments below.

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